Sultry Bipasha, der mouthed cuss words in here upcoming flick 'Pankh' Landed director Sanjay Chattopadhyay in a fix as the movie ran til Troubled Waters med six month long clash med Censor Board.
Men enligt den senaste Bollywood news, regissör ice Endelig a relieved Mon mycket som han har inte bara fått battle men er også saved from deleting the cussing scene hvor Bipasha says.
Enligt a sources, "says Bipasha f ej once men gange på film. Chattopadhyay var clearing att dem ska ord Neither confirm nor confirm beeped deleted by the Censor Board. "
Det mente Chattopadhyay did make changes, men faier Adamant on retaining the foul rants of Bipasha og derfor did not mute or beeped the scenes. Filmen kommer nu med en confirm releasing A certificate.
While speaking om betydning of Bipasha's rants, den fortsatt source, "Bipasha plays protagonist Maradona's alter ego. She fights samt stöder sky throughout the movie.